Google's Pixel 7 event in under 13 minutes

Google’s Pixel event today delivered exactly what we expected: a couple of new smartphones and a brand new Pixel Watch.


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  1. Kimo Kalihi

    You guys need to stop making the smaller phone the phone with less features. People want a size choice for the same specs. We want a flat screen without a curved edge. We want all 3 cameras. We want long battery life (pixel 6 did not have good battery). We want 1tb storage like iPhone. We want a screen with iPhone level brightness, not just 25% better than last year, whatever that means. We want the option to remove the Google search bar and more customization options like the old android days.

  2. Nick Rusev

    And you’ll only get three major OS updates.
    Midranger Samsung galaxy A53 will get four major OS updates.

  3. Rasha Shaker

    The camera already sold me, but being able to transcribe audio messages is great. We love accessibility. 👏🏽

  4. Ryan

    Nice CRT-TV style bezels lol. $350 for a watch that should have been released 3 years ago. Insane.
    Pixel Watch – Nobody/Wants

  5. Michael G

    Pixel 7 Pro vs OnePlus 11 Pro … Should I wait or buy?

  6. ShoresOfHelll

    HDR outdoor video is a joke on android. The video quality is avg specially during low light, if it's a little bit sunny outdoor it stops recording video saying phone is hot and needs to cool down and I am an android user for last 10 yrs. My wife's iphone never has this issue.
    Also my pixel 6 pro loses 30% battery within the first 3 hrs of the day just being idle.

  7. sumeet singroha

    My mind cannot digest the incredible small space in which the one of the world's biggest company is launching its most premium product. 😑

  8. Temniteru

    “ It s our most advanced phone yet “ and all the presentation reminds me of Apple😂😂 , i guess everyone trying to copy paste the Cuppertino boys 😅

  9. A alkholy

    boring woke influenced press with dead people talking and tacky looking handset finishing, specially the white one.

  10. June Nadir

    Disappointed on the Fitbit website it points out the Pixel Watch DOES NOT HAVE THE FOLLOWING as compared to Fitbit Sense 2:

    SPO2 Tracking
    Irregular Heart Rate Notifications
    Skin Temperature Sensor
    Skin Temperature Variation
    Sleep Profile
    Sleep Wake Alarm
    All Day Body Response Tracking with Notification
    EDA Scan App for Stress Management.

    I am happy Google did make a smartwatch with Fitbit integration. Hoping the next Pixel Watch version has the same items as the Fitbit Sense 2.

  11. Aromatic Snail

    A VPN? From Google????🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It'll be great to use with Stadia

  12. boxertest

    Dear Google a tablet cannot have white around the edge smh c'mon people

  13. Ved

    I knew this video would be uploaded and that helped me to focus on gym instead. Thanks!

  14. TheIndulgers

    “Most versatile and adaptable tablet ever” – stand has a fixed angle that even the 11:06 actor has trouble using haha

  15. Yuri Petrovich

    First thing I see: "HE/HIM". No trucking way I'm buying anything from them.

  16. Willie D.

    Interested in seeing if they worked out all the bugs in the Pixel 6 on this line.

  17. 1, يامن قريت رسالتي أسأل الله يااخي أن يعطيك أنفع الكتب، أسأل الله أن يجمعك بأبر خلق الله رسول الله، أسأل الله ان يغمرك باحلى مافي الدنيا “ ذكر الله"، اسأل الله ان يطيب اخرتك، اسأل الله ان يعطيك احلى مافي الجنه “رؤيته عز جلاله وملكه وعظمته. اللهم ارزقه مغفرة بلا عذاب وجنة بلا حساب ودعاءمستجاب. اللهم أفرح برحمتك قلبا أحبه، واذهب بكرمك حزنه وهمه،، يِآنآس يِآآمٌـٍة مٌحًمٌد يِآآخوۃآلّإسلّآمٌ
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    00967716459924 وتطلب اسم بطاقتي وترسلي ولاتتاخر وايعوضك الله بكل خير فيااخي انت رجال إذاشفت اسرتك جاوعين تعمل المستحيل من اجل تامن لهم الاكل والشرب ولكن انابنت عيني بصيره ويدي قصيره ليس لي اب مثلك يسمح دمعتي ويحميني من الذل والاهانة😢 واخواني سغار شوف كيف حالتهم وساعدناوانقذناقبل أن يطردونا في الشارع نتبهدل او نموت من الجوع انااقسم بالله ألذي رفع سبع سموات بلاعمدوبسط الارض ومهداني لااكذب عليك بحرف من هذا الرساله واني ماطلبتك إلئ من ضيق ومن قسوت الضروف والحال الذي
    احنافيه واناواسرتي نسالك بالله لولك مقدره علئ مساعدتنا لاتتاخر عليناوجزاك ألله خير ألجزاء،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،

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