React / Typescript Tutorial – Build a Quiz App

Learn how to use React and TypeScript to create a quiz app project. You will also learn how to use Styled-Components with React.

πŸ”— What you will make:
πŸ’» Code:

πŸŽ₯ Course from Thomas Weibenfalk. Check out his YouTube channel:

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This Post Has 40 Comments

  1. Chervin Tanilon

    Im just curious about the type vs interface, when can you use type or interface?

  2. Code81

    You sound like the Classic Dracula. Lol! It's a cool thing! Anyways, thank you so much for the video. Very awesome!

  3. VaniaD

    Great tut Thank you, Apr/2021 note if you are using react@17 make it won't work, downgraded goes fine. Thank you again, hope to see more good code from you.

  4. Avinash

    Please can anyone help me?, I am getting error message like trying to access from undefined…….
    when I do { questions[number].question}


    Hi does the same but Style is not working. Please help if you can.


    What are the extension are you using for react. In my case code was not with proper color in styles.tx files.

  7. Ok tutorial. Very little to no explanation of how everything works. Another one of these tutorials that you just copy along but unfortunately not really learn much.

  8. gica

    this looks so good, game graphics

  9. Alex V

    If anyone has any issues with dependencies after running the first "npm start" remove the "node_modules" folder from your desktop or home directory(if you're on Linux)

  10. Peivaston Sayed

    TypeError: cannot read property 'map' of undefined. what should i do?

    import React from "react";

    type Props = {

    question: string;

    answers: string[];

    callback: any;

    userAnswer: any;

    questionNr: number;

    totalQuestions: number;


    const QuestionCard: React.FC<Props> = ( {







    }) => (


    <p className="number">

    Question: {questionNr} / {totalQuestions}


    <p dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: question}} />


    { => (


    <button disabled={userAnswer} onClick={callback}>

    <span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: answer}}/>







    export default QuestionCard;

  11. Sarfraz

    no interfaces no classes how is this typescript

  12. Kh Shuhat

    Sorry, but a poor way of teaching. I personally don't recommend this video.

  13. Marco Corapi

    dangerouslysetinnerhtml – why it is necessary – Why not just pass: <p> {question} </p> or answer <p> {answer} </p>

    it was my understanding that babel in react would convert JSX into JS as well as HTML but maybe I am wrong. So the question is why using dangerouslysetinnerhtml to put directly HTML instead of JSX when we can do that normally? what is the point of or the differences?

  14. Linda Tochukwu

    thanks man, this is really insightful!!!

    i wonder who were those disliking this great tutorial

  15. ayush jain

    Thank god your text editor font is bigger and can be easily seen in mobile.

  16. LoqzTV

    @1:01:02 — Quick question if I may, how come your stylers still have intellisense/linting even within the backticks? It's not linting on my VS code… πŸ™

  17. James Antonio

    Does anyone know what I need to do to get intellisense going on the styles.ts files like our host has?

  18. Umut GΓΌler

    very nice video βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  19. Rinz

    Tip: Install 'Paste JSON as code' Extension in vs code
    then copy the json and in command pallete run Paste JSON as Types

  20. Thea RonG_

    nice video but i think you should change font code.

  21. Xiaoyu Sun

    Very easy and useful tutorial. Thank you very much.

  22. Jinz

    I have a problem, I can't seem to see my buttons

  23. after using ".json()" when fetching the endpoint, the data is displayed in literal unicode. Like the symbol ' is being displayed as &#039;. It happened with several other symbols. Does anyone know how to fix it?

  24. AliGuitar

    Great tutorial ! Thanks a lot man πŸ™‚
    Would be great to do other React TS tutorials like that.

  25. Wyatt Hun

    Great tutorial, may I know how can I run this app using expo in android?

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