Best GPU for $250?


This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. @AlexSterk

    What should I do with a bunch of 1070s? I'm thinking some low cost minecraft computers for the nephews

  2. @rileyn54

    Got my Strix 2080ti OC for $300, plays any game I want. Older high end > newer mid range.

  3. @StereoPenguin94

    Used 6700 for 250 is a deal if you check your local facebook market or other similar sites

  4. @lumaj1147

    So the 3050, isnt a 30s series at All, with performance. It's basically identical to the 1660 Super/Ti. This card needs to be $150 max. If you try to sell a used one, it's next to impossible to sell it for $200 or more.

  5. Day 3 For 400-450 dollars suggest a pc setup or a laptop at that price for 1080p gaming which do u think is better

  6. @oddcamel261

    Face book marketplace my 3060 was literally 140 works great

  7. @davidetucci1909

    It should be considered that for 30-40 more bucks than the 7600 you get the 4060 with RT and dlss suite, not everything comes down to price to performance, and yes, RT is playable with these GPUs

  8. @Xilmos

    Im building a pc whats the best gpu for around 300 to 500 sollars

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