Killing Floor 2: Deep Blue Z Update – Launch Trailer | PS4 Games Dive into Zed-infested waters, as developer and publisher Tripwire Interactive …


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  1. Ryan

    I shall wait for 3 now with next gen version

  2. im_095

    Ffs just make kf3 at this point

  3. SToX85

    Dont forget the pSVr support ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂

  4. Billuministeri

    Still probably the best 20€ i've spent on a video game. All these years and still giving more content

  5. DevilGeneImbued

    gonna redownload this amazing game just for this update and to support the devs that haven't let their game go to the wayside. Devs like these deserve support

  6. Retro Gamer

    for those who dont know, tons of maps exist. all free. there are still people playing it online, too. not tons.. but u can still find several dozen that play it regularly. but i dunno if this Deep Blue Z is free or paid DLC. it says "udpate" so im guessing free.

  7. Danny Durden

    Honestly the best arcade zombie game I've ever played. Just wish the skins were better 😢😢 and add more character dialogue in game. Some of the things they say is so funny 😆😆

  8. Javier Robin

    after spending +700 hours into the game which i enjoyed i think it's time to let the game go and make a third

  9. Shatterdice

    😂 this game gets more support than some of the top AAA titles lol . But seriously at this point we need a Killing floor 3 .

  10. Dominique

    A third one would be nice. With new bosses.

  11. arnauabello

    Cool, but we need killing floor 3 with VR mode for the full game! Just like re village

  12. CocoBro97

    How about a update to not freeze up on ps5 when me and a friend are trying to play together


    This game is literally what COD could've and I'm talking about updates like it can be literally be one whole game….can you imagine if COD did this man

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