Sand Land Review – The Final Verdict

SAND LAND is the latest anime adaptation from Bandai Namco, launching on April 26th for Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and PC.

As the Fiend Prince Beelzebub, players embark on a quest to locate the Legendary Spring, putting them at odds with the Royal Army. Though you can run around and punch foes into submission, SAND LAND leans heavily on vehicular combat as you punch through with a tank or stomp around with a Jump-Bot. Other vehicles become available over time, offering even more ways to explore the ruins of humanity.

While SAND LAND won’t overwhelm you with its side quest design or range of activities, the solid combat and fleshed-out main cast make for a solid, enjoyable journey. Watch our review to learn even more about it.

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    It’s actually a fun game. It’s not boring at all and the story, while a bit simple does offer a lot. It’s a combination of Borderlands and some rpg elements.

  2. @cjlaity1

    I hate how you have to keep pressing the X button on ps5 to keep the dialogue going. How tedious. Sometimes you press it and the character only delivers one word or a grunt before you have to press it again. I also hate how they keep repeating the same things over and over while you are driving around. Just why? Why? And how he says "I'll keep this. I may need it." EVERY single time you pick something up, or "Here we go" when you climb something. Fifty times. A hundred times. A thousand times. And when you loot a chest the text is so small you can't even read it so you don't even know what you're getting. Oh, and don't forget your side characters constantly telling you how to solve puzzles before you even have five seconds to think about it just in case you are that stupid. If you can even call them puzzles. "Look. There's some junk in the way. Maybe we should shoot it with our tank!" Duuuh. Would never have figured that out myself pal. I hate how, when you get out of your tank and take five steps away from it, it disappears, so now you have to go into the menu again, find it again and produce it again. Why??? These annoying things were a conscious decision that they made. They intentionally put these things in the game for some reason. And don't even get me started on the music. At least you can turn that off in the options menu unlike the endless repetitive banter.

  3. @yarbles66

    I was bored of all the sand during the demo. I felt like Anakin Skywalker.

  4. @MegaSnake76

    Brought this and stella blade , been playing the hell out of sandland , haven't even touched stella yet lol , this game ROCKS !!!!

  5. @JasonPenndragon

    Such a fun game! Already 10 hours in! The world is a blast to run around in and it’s fun customizing your vehicles. So glad I grabbed this:)

  6. @deep_cover1879

    Ive been waiting on this, I don’t need to break new ground just enjoy some Toriyama video game that isn’t DW

  7. @SkyHiltribe

    In terms of graphics, it's good. It's nicely rendered with cell-shading. The environments and characters reminded me of DBZ world but my biggest gripe about this game is the enemies A.I. level of difficulty in battle. Most enemies A.I. under normal difficulty is poor, to say the least. Enemies tend to just stand there and let you hit them. Enemies do attack but they do it in a "take turn" alternate pattern. For example, when you fight against two or more enemies in battle, you attack one while the others just either stand there blocking or run around wait for their turn.

    I get a sense that this game is for kids but even so, the enemies A.I. shouldn't be so predictable.

  8. @fgdj2000

    I loved the manga and am flabbergasted to discover there is now a movie, a game and even a series!

  9. @adamheeley285

    I like that this game really tries to do something different then just the typical jrpg tropes. If this ever comes to switch, id buy it in a second.

  10. @SoUtHMeMpHis

    The futuristic sequel to The Sand Lot😢..For..e…ver…For..e..ver ‼️

  11. @Arnell_Long

    I don't like when enemies scale to your level. It makes upgrades abd grinding worthless in my opinion.

    That can sometimes make it or break it for me. 🙏🏽

    I'll probably get it when it's on a deep sale.

  12. @jaseidon

    Don't waste your time on This.
    its the shittest review I've ever seen.
    like is it a review or a fucking tutorial.
    4 minutes ill never get back.

  13. @ap3705

    has anyone run in to a color issue? everyone's colors for me seem inverted for some reason

  14. @b1zarr01

    Looks like it'll be a solid addition to my backlog but even the "budget" $60 price point seems a bit ambitious for what's actually on offer here. I'll gladly pick it up once it gets around the $40 price point.

  15. @HolyCross9

    Really? 7/10?! Akira Toriyama tragically passed away earlier this year, and you guys at GB just gave a gaming adaption of one of his works a pathetic score of 7/10?!

  16. @BaBboonking

    Hopefully, this does well enough to get another Sandland game or maybe even a Dr Slump game.

  17. @AbsolAhm

    I dont know. To me it Feels like an empty world. Not much different from most JRPGs. I was looking forward to tank combats but even that looks slow. Gonna pass I guess.

  18. The demo was pretty decent. I dont know if I’d buy it day one but I do want it.

  19. @80gdot

    I would be interested in Re-reviews of past games. After so many years, no patch updates are getting pushed through and dlc's are out, re-review a game. Did it hold up, has it improved since, not as good as you thought it was…..

  20. @shifterzx

    Looks kinda bare/boring. Might wait for an 80% sale before checking it out

  21. @Mark-mu4pj

    So it's decent gameplay but boring grind/story, might play it looks cool.

  22. @Graavigala85

    Wow… the opening demo showed as exciting as paint drying

  23. @nadiestgaming

    Why does this look fun though lol I think they just rushed it but it could’ve been much better

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