Why Do Gamers LOVE Palworld?

Out of nowhere, Palworld has exploded onto the gaming scene to massive success. It’s sold millions of copies and new records in concurrent player counts and yet isn’t without controversy, whether it’s some of the harsher game-breaking bugs or the allegations of plagiarising Pokemon.

Between all this, one has to wonder: Why is Palworld so popular? Why do so many people enjoy what’s essentially another survival crafting title? Pokemon does enter the equation, as some may feel that it does things that it can’t while presenting better visuals or a much larger scale.

However, it also comes down to the fact that Palworld stands out enough to make it enjoyable. Whether you’re traversing the world and discovering new Dungeons, collecting Pals or optimizing your base, it’s an addictive gameplay loop that’s ensnared millions.


This Post Has 48 Comments

  1. It’s wild that a whole different company had to create the Pokémon game people have been wanting. I hope Nintendo takes notes and makes a game for all the adults who grew up with Pokémon.

  2. @rubioalvin

    Nintendo is shaking in their super Mario shoes 😂

  3. People it's Pokemon with guns and crafting stop this please I know Xbox need a real game to make money and for you Xbox fan boys it's only selling because of the Pokemon we all know this nothing else and for the Sony fan boys you'll been bagging for a Nintendo IP to come on consoles for years it doesn't matter how you feel and think it's only selling because of the Pokemon take out the Pokemon and it's a flop name one Xbox game that sell over three million none so stop this it because of the Pokemon

  4. @cocobos

    They are already making tons of money, let's hope they don't stop here.

  5. @mickhack8034

    Sure as hell aint the demonic graphic card it requires, good lord even the lowest setting are a beast to get working

  6. @TyphoonBlizzard

    This game makes triple A titles feel like a rip off. I got super mario RPG for full price for maybe 20-30 hours of gameplay. I got palworld for 27 and already have more time in it than I could ever get from a mario game.

  7. @ainbo9022

    Pokémon had two years to do something about it now that the game has become a sensation

  8. @GolDDarius

    Caught and sold my first human today at the black marketeer 😂

  9. @teamextreme334

    GTA 5 is real and a thing, they are worried about a Nintendo switch looking game can take toon looking humans and sell them. Okay.

  10. @mineralinis

    its crazy how such a trash can be so popular on PC… 2024 yet you cant rebound keys because most of it hardcoded and mouse buttons isnt even recognised.. Console or mobile ? Sure.. but PC ? cmon!

  11. LOL, a bunch of Nintendo fanboys are writing Nintendo as if they don't know about Palworld already. "Hey, why are you letting them do this!? Whaaaa!" Answer: Because they understand the law and you don't.

  12. @S0K0N0MI

    Its ugly and disjointed. I honestly dont get the hype at all.

  13. That’s not true the last of us part 2 remastered is most people is playing and final fantasy 7 remake and Batman Arkham knight

  14. The even bigger question is why is there people who are mad that people love it?

  15. For me, Palworld scratches that particular itch that Pokémon hasn't be able to do since Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire. I've always wanted a sort of open-world Pokémon game with survival and base-building mechanics and now I can play one.

  16. @lunchbox1543

    Because fans have waited 25 years for Gamefreak to do what palworld did.

  17. @rajunaidu7751

    I don’t see any Pokémon where what’s a Pokémon never heard of it in a that big? 👀

  18. @windthugness

    Visually, it looks wayyyy better than Scarlet and Violet.

  19. Awesome game I'm 49 yrs old and can't stop playing… love playing on my ally when away from my house and pc

  20. @Egeslean

    Nintendo didn't stop any of the other Pokemon-like games, and they're not the first to do it anyways. I don't think they have a leg to stand on.

  21. @lachlan4534

    Because they're addicted to dopamine and a false sense of accomplishment.

  22. @ZetarFox

    PALWORLD can last longer then Fortnite and wow,this mix of monster catching/building/raids and much more is something that can keep ppl around for a loooooooong time.If the devs do this right,cause so far they have, and its only a Beta!

    This small team gave us what a multimillion $ company never did.
    I'm down to support this guys 100% cause this game is just EXACTLY what I wanted ,and lots of people can agree as well.

  23. @Uberzit

    2:45… “evergaols”😂😂😂… gaol is the british variant spelling of jail

  24. Im glad palworld has all this attention now maybe nintendo will give us the games we want instead of the cheap reboots for the past years.

  25. @johnwilliams919

    Mature quality pokemon game. The og pokemon fans are adults and want a game just for them. So here we are.

  26. @itsybitsy8136

    So not my thing, I don't get the excitement but hey! if people enjoy it great

  27. @animesoul167

    Well I can appreciate that they launched as early access, even if the game has some bugs and lacks some endgame content. $30 for an unfinished game is much better than $60 or $70. I wish more devs would be honest and just say the game is unfinished but they need some upfront money. $30 is reasonable for what the game is right now.

  28. @RustBrand777

    I watched a neat video about how game “clones” aren’t a bad thing and I think Palworld is proving it correct

  29. @Wints0191

    I don’t see the resemblance palworld 4 life

  30. @slayerarken7044

    I think this is just the fans of monster raising games sticking it to nintendo and gamefreak for being greedy, lazy and complacent with mediocrity finally because we have an ip finally doing something interesting with it!

  31. I'm not gonna lie but when I first saw power world my first reaction was, Oh my God, this is a blatant rip-off of pokemonhell. It probably asset flips.
    And steals your data. But it's a pretty good game

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